10 March 2022

Should You Try Holistic (Natural) Health Care?

Chronic health conditions ALL come from the same fundamental cause
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Why Should You Use Holistic Health Care?
You may be searching for a solution to a health problem.

I'm going to introduce you to some new ideas. But I want to make sure that you know that I am focused on helping you achieve your goal:
To help you get rid of your annoying, frightening, painful, embarrassing, uncomfortable, upsetting, tiring health problems.

At my clinic, I help people to resolve health problems that:
  • Have no treatment other than lifetime pharmaceuticals
  • Have no diagnosis
  • Have a treatment, but it doesn't work
  • Have a treatment that does work, but the problem comes back over and over
  • Have a treatment that you don't want to do

If this describes you, then you likely have some level of frustration with conventional health care (or if you don't, maybe you should).

You may have some fear that your life will be damaged by your symptoms getting worse or by new symptoms developing but you don't know what to do about this.

Our sophisticated, well-financed, thoroughly-researched medical health care system should have helped you by now. However, it hasn't. You even may have concluded that it never will.

A Different Solution
Your choices are to:

1: Continue to look for a conventional medical solution to your problem

2: Or look elsewhere for a different answer.

This choice has often caused people considerable worry and angst. Yes, they understand that medicine probably isn't going to solve their problem no matter what they do. But when you think about abandoning MEDICINE and "looking for another way" to solve your health problem, well, that's tough.

The world accepts medicine to control and solve health problems. It's SCIENCE, you know. What rabbit hole are you likely to go down if you abandon medicine? I admit it's a difficult concept to wrap your mind around.

For 28 years, I've helped 10,000 patients to resolve complex problems and get back control of their lives and health. How I have achieved this is no secret, and I am happy to tell you exactly how to do it for yourself.

Why You Can't Get Well
Everything I am so successful in doing is based on the following simple logic:

Patient Story:

Child Off Allergy Medications

We started coming to Dr. Billiot because my 4 year-old son was taking up to five medications each morning and each night, year round, to control allergy and asthma symptoms. We had previously been to an allergist in an attempt to reduce the amount of medicine he was taking. To my dismay, after painful testing (pin prick and shots) the allergist found only one confirmed allergy and increased his medication. When we started at Alternative Health Atlanta my son had low energy, lots of stomachaches and headaches, and was constantly getting respiratory illnesses that would interfere with his sleep and school because they made him so tired. The doctors at Alternative Health Atlanta found that my son's body had many food and environmental sensitivities. He is now off all of his medications. No more complaints of stomachaches or headaches. All our work has paid off. He has tons more energy and over the course of his treatment has gotten sick much less often. It has taken such a weight off my shoulders to have a child that is no longer taking so much medicine at such a young age. I constantly worried about the long-term effects of the medication and the poor quality of life he was living. I knew there had to be another alternative to traditional medicine and we found it with Dr. Billiot. We are no longer medicating the problems—we are rid of them!—J.R.
Would you please take five minutes to fill out a health assessment survey and send it to me?
I'll review your information, then you can receive a consultation from a highly-qualified staff member. We'll let you know if your case might be a good fit for my clinic. The consultation is complimentary, no strings attached.

Either I can help you–or point you in the right direction to get help.

Don't give up! You can recover your health if you persist.
Free Book: Learn How to Take Control of Your Health
If you are frustrated, stuck, or feel like giving up on finding a solution to your health problem, this book could really open your eyes. There's a reason so many people are having long-term health problems, and the only treatments available just cover up the symptoms.
Find out why, and what to do about it.
(770) 612-1100
• 130+ 5-Star Reviews On Google
• 800 Testimonials on our website
• Practicing in Marietta since 1994
• Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, natural healthcare researcher and developer of the EvecticsSM Health Therapy System
Alternative Health Atlanta
1640 Powers Ferry Rd SE
Bldg 14-100
Marietta, GA 30067
IMPORTANT NOTE: This publication is not intended to provide medical advice and nothing in it should be construed as a therapeutic recommendation or prescription for any disease or symptom. Readers should not attempt self-diagnosis or self-treatment of any kind, and should not discontinue any medication or therapy or make any health-related decisions without the advice of a licensed medical physician. Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C. disclaims any liability, loss, or risk incurred, directly or indirectly, as a result of the use and application of the contents of this publication. If you are unwilling to be bound by this disclaimer, you should discard this publication.
EVECTICS is a Service Mark of Dr. Melodie M. Billiot, P.C.
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